Hello, pet owner > Obligations of the owners

Travelling within European Union



The movement of pets is regulated according to health standards that guarantee the animal’s health and that of people. It is important to verify that the animal meets all the requirements established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Click here.


For guidance on specific requirements when travelling to each country, please refer to the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), They provide a service (CEXGAN), where you can select the type of animal you are travelling with from Spain (SEE) or to Spain (SEE) from a menu as well as the country of destination or origin. This information is for guidance purposes only and does not relieve the animal owner of the responsibility of consulting the Embassy or Consulate.


The article "How to travel with dogs, cats and other pets by car" published on the RACE website explains the safest way to travel with a pet.


Click here to see the articlei

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